Why Us?

Why to – Choose Us

The Sky Kids Advantage

Kids start learning about the world really early. From when they're born until they're 8 years old, the things they experience with their parents and what they learn for the first time shape how they grow physically, think, feel, and get along with others. A good education helps make these connections strong and makes sure they are happy and healthy in the future.

Research tells us that kids who go to really good preschools do well in school, get along with others, and grow well in many ways. Preschool programs are meant to help kids learn a bunch of skills that will be useful for them in school and when they grow up. These skills include making friends, using language well, thinking, and being creative. Kids also learn how to control their feelings, adapt to different situations, and pay attention to things.

Explore Our Advantages


Our preschool programs follow a customized curriculum that places a strong emphasis on building a solid academic foundation while also highlighting traditional values. The design of our curriculum integrates the best practices from various parts of the world and is thoroughly tested for its effectiveness in the classroom.


Sky Kids is dedicated to achieving individual learning goals, prioritizing an effective teacher-student ratio (1:10, with one caretaker), and providing a wide range of resources including workbooks, games, and digital materials to enhance learning through play.

At Sky Kids, we adhere to strict health and safety standards for all enrolled children. To maintain quality, we exclusively use imported toys. Our commitment to security includes CCTV surveillance cameras and round-the-clock security personnel. Additionally, we employ a state-of-the-art GPRS-tracked transport system for the safety of all the children.

At Sky Kids, we believe in extending learning to the home by actively involving parents. We provide personalized record tracking for children, accessible to parents through a knowledge-systems portal with their unique login ID. The feedback from parents is highly valued, and the management at Sky Kids takes prompt action to incorporate their suggestions.

At Sky Kids, our commitment is to actively engage with the community of parents and children. We take pride in our team of friendly and capable staff who are approachable and always ready to help.

At Sky Kids, we integrate Information Technology into our educational resources. We operate a specialized portal that sends calendar alerts, diary messages, and uploads school photos. Parents can access this portal using their unique login, allowing them to view and respond to messages from teachers. The portal also enables parents to check their child's quarterly assessment report and provide feedback.


Sky Kids is dedicated to ensuring a smooth and effective transition for every child to primary school. We have established preferential tie-ups with a diverse range of schools near each of our locations

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Activities at Sky Kids

Our preschool program goes beyond teaching just letters and numbers; it focuses on fostering imagination, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration skills that are crucial in today's world. We actively promote social participation through a variety of activities planned throughout the school calendar year.

Explore Our Activities


  • Eye Check Up
  • Dental Camp
  • Paediatric Assessment

We organise age-appropriate field trips for each class to a safe and protected space, where children can learn beyond the classroom and experience the world outside.

Sky Kids also conducts a one-week camp in Winter and a two-week camper during the Summer months for all children, so they need not miss the joy of learning even if school is out

Apart from the activities mentioned above, we also organize celebrations of many occasions that helps bring the parents, children, teachers and staff together. These include:



Learning by play is enhanced in our theme-based celebrations, where students use arts, crafts and music to understand various themes, such as colours, seasons, wild safari, community helpers, etc

Students also get their time to shine in various fields and display their athletic prowess during the Sports Day conducted every December and the Annual Day conducted every March.

On a weekly basis, classes are conducted from Monday to Thursday. We offer arts and crafts, yoga and dance sessions to all classes on Fridays. We also offer additional classes on drawing, phonics, dance and yoga to the students

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